
Showing posts from February, 2013

It Is my Birthday Today

Let's see what I have achieved the as long as I have breathe on earth. a)Im currently pregnant for 18-week and the womb is making great job in creating Bree without much interference from me. b) I married a husband who spent almost RM50k for my wedding. A man who is well accepted by my family.  c) I've a job at a prestigious company with at least 4 months of bonus.  d) Husband and I bought an apartment of 850sq feet. Three rooms with an ample space for our baby to toddle around.  e) I have an honors degree which I earned within four years funded by my beloved dad.  f) had travelled to Melbourne, Australia; Stepped in Singapore.  g) did bungy jump in Malaysia.  h) Ran 21.1km Borneo International Marathon and was a finisher around 50th place.  i)bought a dslr camera...  My resolution:  a) To have images of mine captured underwater.  b) going to Hong Kong.  c) start mini online business.  d)to be good in co...

Things that depressed me a lot on Valentine's Day.

a)Husband is still at hometown. I have nobody to ask for kiss, gift and roses.  b)I am working and people around me are workaholic that don't even know the existence of Valentine's day. c) Reading news with front page full of politician's hatred against each others and other lies. d) Tv channel seems supporting Islamic view that Valentine's is a day to screw each other.  e) A disgusting man who favor food that taste's like his boss's ass.

My First Valentine's Day With Husband.

It is going to be a post about my husband. I am not going to praise him as if he has no flaw AT ALL.   For those who have been following my posts, you all should have known how much I adore my husband who has been enduring my annoying attitude during this pregnancy period. A man who works so hard in buying a house for three of us to live. Etc.  He was perfect until he commited adultery with another female colleague who claimed she got raped during her childhood and other dramatic story to earn sympathy from my then fiancé. Of course it has deeply hurted me even until now despite he had the courage to tell me the truth three days after the incident happened. I couldn't believe that kind of betrayal could happen in my life. Other matter that sadden me is because I deserved someone better, a better career opportunity and richer.  However, I still accept him upon his mother's endless begging and also the thought that calling-off the wedding would require me to e...

Recent Updates.

I am in four-day breaks for Chinese New Year. It has been a great escapade for both husband and I since we had no rest juggling between endless work and moving into new house.  I could feel husband is in great relief to be by his mom's side as he could channel all the anger, resentment, frustration he experienced at work, home and also dealing with his pregnant wife. I am gladly to reserve some space and time for him in enjoying those luxury. Yes, he is spending more time talking in hokkien to her mom.  As he is doing so, I took my own sweet time to allow myself sleep for 15 hours- the required time for a 4-month prrgnant mom- it is indeed a bliss, I could feel Bree seems to grow more rapidly.  Mom-in-law has always been a caring parent. She usually will tell me to EAT..EAT..EAT. Besides that, she will also tell me to rest more, don't watch scary movie or go to zoos. I appreciate all advices as it makes me feel someone cares for me.  My mom is also a good p...