Review on Raintree Beach Resort in Tuaran
Found Raintree Beach Resort while searching for weekend getaway. Booking websites portrayed the resort has a lot of activities and well-maintained facility. But all those pictures were outdated or maybe photoshoped. The resort, which is located about 40 kilometres from town, is worth to its cheaper rate. I have a deal of RM150++ per night for a Villa on weekday via direct booking via Raintree Facebook. The admin foretold that there were swimming, barbeque and volleyball facility among others. But, he or she did not mention there was no restaurant. So, breakfast is definitely not included for the deal. The check in time is at 2pm. We took our own sweet time to drive to the location, guided with Waze application. The place is located far from Tuaran town, which is about 18 minutes drive. We got lost a bit as confused by roadside signboard. Asked an elderly woman at a village, she said she only heard about Mimpian Jadi, Rasa Ria and Karambunai. Tried again…then finally ...