Sabah Kota Kinabalu Wellness Confinement centre
At this era whereby couples are living on their own, especially in the city, they are indeed need help from someone to take care of the mother and child after the traumatising childbirth experience. Unfortunately, not every couple has the privilege helper, mother or mother-in-law who can attend to the confinement needs due to several reason, including the availability of the help, experienced mothers have other commitment or just the bad relationship between two generations. If paying more means happiness to new mother and child, a confinement center will serve another option for mothers to recuperate and "coping" with the arrival of bundle of joy. The bundle of joy is not necessarily brings someone joy 24/7 as the baby also comes with several issues to deal with such as newborn jaundice, colic, "insomnia", breastfeeding problem and etc. Mother who had through labour also needs rest, aside from having to troubleshoot baby's ...