Would our grandchildren blame existing human beings for leaving them world full of rubbish?
Source: Maoistrebelnews As a mom in 30s, I resent my ancestors evertime the weather is damn hot and intolerable. I blame them for keeping on destroying all the greens and polluting rivers in their days so call to give better lives for the next generation. The previous generations or so called the "modern" people kept on implying that using plastic is cool, buying is sort of a symbol of status, in contrary to reusing or upcycling is only meant for those who have no money and etc. Recently, I attended a seminar on Environmental issues. One of them is on waste. Here I share the statistic from Journal of Science 2015. 1. In 2010, 99.5 million tonnes plastic were produced from 192 countries bordering the sea and led about 12.7 million tonnes went into the ocean. 2. It is estimated that each person on average consume 18gramme, or a size of credit card, in their daily food intake ie the fish, the sea salt which contain microplastic. 2. As for e-waste collection in ...