Degree Nurses (U41)in Malaysia

I have been listening to complaint that was lodged by many doctors about so called 'lousy' staff nurses at hospitals.

The complaint include:
a) Nurses are too particular on the job description between doctors and nurses.
b) Nurses are lazy
c) Nurses act like they know all
d) Nurses refuse to listen to advice
e) Nurses are robot, they do things without having to pass through their brain cells.

As an ex nursing student, here is my defense for them

a) Perhaps when nurses overdo, they will get lawsuit action, if anything happen. In fact, it is true that there's line between job description for doctor's and nurse's

b) I overheard many times from senior staff nurses that it is because doctor's pay is much higher than nurses' which make the nurses think that it is right for doctor to work like zombie

c) Sometimes, there's overboard doctor who really treat nurses as if they are the one who pay nurses' salary- for e.g., they throw the tissue they used to blow their runny nose and asked nurse to pick them up

d) It is a rare case that diploma nurses learn medical thing the way degree nurses and medical doctors used to learn during their study time. They are trained to memorize step 1 to last without trained to learn the principle behind it. Of course, we cannot simple blame them as there are many other factors that lead them into the way they are now.

e)Being too experienced (too long) in a department will make anybody feels that they know best about everything. So, they become stubborn. But, again, due to irritation, doctors talk rudely to them and of course, who in this world is going to listen to them?

The defense is all based on my past experience when I did my internship at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia.

There's so much of Transformation programme that Government is concentrating on. I think, heathcare system needs one too.

Its not a new phrase...but, isn't it better to put patients' life in the hand of professional health care?

There's many times, we heard that "If you want to get sick, dont get sick in government surely will die!".

It is time to make heathcare transformation programme...


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