Multilevel Marketing
It is undeniable there is a temptation for someone who earn less in a fast-paced city to join the multi-level- marketing, (MLM) to cope with the financial burden, or I should say, a desire?
Until now, I saw a lot of people here in Kuala Lumpur is doing more than a job to support their life, which the common one for guys will be taxi-driving, direct sales, online buisness, and also MLM.
The vice things about MLM had been published in the media, that it was a cheating system, which often people were attracted to the lucrative promised income in a short time.
I had the experience where I was brought into an MLM company which claimed that it has been established for 11 years with verified certificate and licence and blah blah blah...
Of course, beside of the stability that the company has, the members sort of trying to tell how much the system changed their life, they told their sad tale and showed their monthly pay slip to even convince the vulnerable customers.
Despite of earning more than five digits a month, with the mechanism of asking five others to invest RM3K as membership fee, will it be worth it?
And each time when a member tries to enroll somebody else into the company, how many lies that he or she has to tell? to brag?
Even if one is telling all truth, but isn't that spending time on persuading others to join will give job satisfaction? I was also told that there will be a lot of activities which requires one's commitment. Again, isnt that investing out time on God's work will be more worthwhile?
Earning RM25K per month, that's fun and seemed to be more than enough. Strangely, a friend of mine lives on debt even she earns extra incomes from it every month.
Money is a relative thing and it will only exist if one really knows mathematics and its value.
Another wise friend said, "All of us are greedy, but getting what we want through shortcut will surely make us lose a lot in the end".
Until now, I saw a lot of people here in Kuala Lumpur is doing more than a job to support their life, which the common one for guys will be taxi-driving, direct sales, online buisness, and also MLM.
The vice things about MLM had been published in the media, that it was a cheating system, which often people were attracted to the lucrative promised income in a short time.
I had the experience where I was brought into an MLM company which claimed that it has been established for 11 years with verified certificate and licence and blah blah blah...
Of course, beside of the stability that the company has, the members sort of trying to tell how much the system changed their life, they told their sad tale and showed their monthly pay slip to even convince the vulnerable customers.
Despite of earning more than five digits a month, with the mechanism of asking five others to invest RM3K as membership fee, will it be worth it?
And each time when a member tries to enroll somebody else into the company, how many lies that he or she has to tell? to brag?
Even if one is telling all truth, but isn't that spending time on persuading others to join will give job satisfaction? I was also told that there will be a lot of activities which requires one's commitment. Again, isnt that investing out time on God's work will be more worthwhile?
Earning RM25K per month, that's fun and seemed to be more than enough. Strangely, a friend of mine lives on debt even she earns extra incomes from it every month.
Money is a relative thing and it will only exist if one really knows mathematics and its value.
Another wise friend said, "All of us are greedy, but getting what we want through shortcut will surely make us lose a lot in the end".
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