Leader should speak up for his people, right?
Free Malaysia Today has recently lambasted Sabah chief minister for not saying anything to his KL’s boss on the issue Malaysia Airlines cancelled direct flights to Tokyo and Australia. Despite of the commercial consideration given by the entrepreneur of the company on why they had to stop it as it gained less profit, the political head should also consider that Tourism industry is one of the main economy pillar in Sabah. Sabahans especially villagers depend on the tourists arrival for their eco-tourism, homestay, hospitality industry, crafts and etc. Yet, the leader said nothing about it. Is it more important to make his boss please with what he did?and not to win the people’s heart since general election is coming soon? Luckily, the patriotic and true Sabahan, Tourism minister is not there to solely please his bosses. According to thestar report, Datuk Masidi against the flights suspension and opting the Sabah Tourism Board to look out for other airlines. For a minister ...