Barisan Nasional conquers the people of MALAY

Had a conversation with few malay colleagues from peninsular Malaysia this morning. It was ear-opening to know that they still want Barisan Nasional to rule the country despite of the daytime corruption and etc. The main reason is they are scared to be sidelined by the current opposition DAP, althought PKR is the whole body of party.

DAP synonymous to Chinese, and they had witnessed in  racism done by them and also the hard-core racist UMNO. Chinese helps chinese ONLY and same with Malay...

Because of that phenomena, it hinders the movement of better political party to rule the country.

It is a fact that Malay population is also outnumber other races in peninsular Malaysia, which lower the chances of the DAP, or precisely Lim Guan Eng to be country's first ever chinese leader.

 Racism is one.

Through the conversation, I also notice that malay species still have the 'dependant' syndrome. They hardly be competitive with that mentality and atttude.

Chinese, Indian and other races have been neglected for so many years, yet, we never literally 'die' or cry because of that. We still strive till the end, and I have to give credit that most of the so called 'migration' chinese and Indian had contributed a lot to the economic development. WE NEVER SCARED OF WHO IS RULLING THE COUNTRY, because God has give everyone hands, legs and brains to everyone, EQUALLY!

p/s:Cant everyone be more objective on problem solving in community, than focusing on what race are we helping or against over?


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