The victimised birthday baby girl.

A lot have turned down the invitation to a one-year-old baby birthday party. The main reason was the double-faced mother who bitch almost everyone in the office. It was such a scary to know that she is being nice and compassionate about you, but the moment you turn around, she started badmouthing about you. I never heard on what she used to bitch about me, but I felt choked and wanted to stay away from her when she said something evil such as "She/he is just stupid; I think its because of the girl was slutty that she got raped and etc...". 

Cut short the story, she had to beg and assure everyone to come...texted, facebook message, and repetitively verbal reminders. Yet, not many people came to the party.

Pity the daughter. If only she knows that her mother is a bitch, will she still respect her as a good mother.


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