Just admit that it's not easy to be with in-laws under one roof.

Yes, it is going to be a bitchy session...about my mother-in-law.

Initially,  I do appreciate that she would share the house chore with me especially I am in the midst of busy working schedule. But, as days pass by, I realised that the interaction between us had actually getting into my nerves especially on my off day where I was with her at home for the whole day.

I have very low tolerance in having people nag me over the same matter. So, when it comes to same question being asked for more than three times (in her case, it will be at least five times), that's where I will start to whine and get really irritated. And even worse, I was asked for very obvious answer, i.e It was raining, "It's raining, isn't it?," or when the clock short hand pointed at 3, and the other at 12, " its 3pm already, isn't it?".

I complained to husband on that, he backed his mother by telling me she was just trying to have conversation with me.


It may sound cruel to say this, but I believe no one will be happy when someone else who had watched particular movies and dramas telling you each and every single things while you are watching them. Yes, the unwritten rule on keeping what you know about a movie someone has not watched is also applied to those aged 50 and above.

Another privacy invasion incidents is to insist on washing my undergarments on daily basis, or walk into my bedroom while Im sleeping. It is not like I am not appreciative the gestures, but both undergarments and bedroom are really personal to me. I have no intention to share it with anyone else except my husband.

The dinner routine also changed to 6pm instead of previously at 8pm. I had a few sleepless nights because I was hungry in the middle of night. I used distraction method to forget the hunger and ended up feeling so depressed and tired the next morning. But, I was told repetitively to have dinner as early as 6!yeah, I could have say NO to it, but I'll be nagged.

Other thing that annoyed me is when things-cooking utensils, old newspaper, and others are arranged 'weirdly'...I did ask myself should I stop paying half of the house loan as my husband's mom turns the house into a place I am not pleased?

To do errant with her is another violation of human rights. She did ask whether I want to buy anything, but when I mentioned the items I want such as packaged milk, she'll said that its not good for me. But in contrary, she also gets something obviously unhealthy such as pickles and preserved food.

Meanwhile, I am trying very hard to be a good daughter-in-law by not talking back to her and nodded head for thousands times.And I know its very unhealthy relationship to keep quiet despite I have lots of disagreement.

Since it is only her one-week stay in Sabah, so I'll give in for this period.

However, she expressed her desire to "kidnap" my baby as she reasoned I will have no time to take care of her due to my work nature. I don't think that its a good idea to be raised by her.

Judging from husband's dependent attitude when it comes to house chore, I really dont wish to see my child get spoiled to that extend.

And, yes, I am racist...Hokkien people are weird. They don't communicate with other people outside of their circle nor be receptive to new things-food and language.

I carry the girl for 10 months, and in the mid way had been tortured a lot by the complication as well as hospital treatment. Please allow me to raise her the way I think she will be more acceptable by the community in future.

It goes the same with how husband feels about my mom. Whenever mom and 8-year-old brother came to house, he will definitely feel uneasy on almost everything done by them.

He will surely complain that my mom's cooking is either too sweet, too salty or unhealthy. He is even more allergic to my little brother who lie down on sofa like a boss watching tv, jumping here and there, grilling his own marinated beef on a cooker and etc.

Therefore, it is a mutual uncomfortable feeling when spending time with in laws.


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