At 32th Week=eight Month

For laymen or those have yet go through pregnancy, they would definitely say "wah, another one month to go". But, its not that fast. The exact remaining days will be 8 weeks x 7 days= 56 days which is equivalent to waiting for two times salary. So, its two months more... my tummy now really covers up my legs. I mean I can no longer see them...and by writing that here. It is hardly for me to get up from bed-need to turn laterally before I get up. In short, it seems like I dont have abdomen muscle. With the fast growing and bulging tummy, I also have limited choice of clothes. I spent more than 10 minutes than usual to try on my clothes whether I will still look hype and fashionable. At least, I still look presentable for my work. Since the first round husband and I spending money on baby's almost amounted RM1k. Those items include a playpen, a baby stroller, disposable diapers, clothes and few petty things. That's even before Bree's arrival to world. I can foresee lot more to take care of in future. Not sure if current earning will be enough in future. I have to worry on the babysitter, whether she'll be healthy and other needs. Or even have to consider whether I am able to resign to take care of Bree wholeheartedly. Yes, besides the anxiety of anticipating her arrival. The situation poses me into a state where Im doubting it was a mistake to have a baby at this age. It seems like I trouble people around looking for babysitter, affect my boss's decision in assigning task to staff and etc. In this state, I just hope God will be by my side to help me go through all these no matter how difficult it would be.


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