Postnatal Confinement period 2- Malaysian version.
I am nearly at the end of the 30-day of confinement period. It means that I am getting stronger and will soon have to do the babysitting, house chores, cooking all by myself. How was it to be in the confinement state? As I was about to deliver, many had told me that a woman has to be very careful during those period as she will be at her most fragile condition. I was quite worried as I thought I would be bed-ridden, severely sick and etc. The thought that I had to fully dependent on others was not that I intend to be. However, it turned out that I felt quite energetic after few hours of laboring the baby except I could feel numbness at the perineum side with sanitary pad soaked with blood. Other than that, it wasn't as bad as what had been told. Despite the surge feeling to do everything as usual.As I have used to move fast in everything, I was repeatedly advised by older people i.e mother and mother-in-law to walk slowly and sit like a princess (no crossing leg) to pr...