Agony as a new mother to a newborn

I actually googled the least sleeping hours required by a new mother. As I had been sleeping less than my usual 8 hours routine to put three-week-old baby to sleep especially at night. Yes, she likes to take short naps and will cry for more milk when she is awake.

As I have yet introduce botlefeed her with expressed milk, (due to mother in law's presence who disallow it for thinking the milk isnt fresher/ safer than impromptu prepared infant formula), the responsibility to cuddle and feed her fall solely on my shoulder.

Each feeding will take about 30minutes, and the cuddling time that will put her into deep sleep is another 30minutes. As the action is done in sitting position, it really hurt my back although I was sitting with straight back and supported with pillows.

There were two times which I lost my patience...that I scolded the baby. And she could feel it and even cried harder and became more irritable. It was quite dangerous though as at that stage any exhausted caretaker could inflict injury to the innocence. In fact, that little human who hasn't learned to communicate with human language, is trying to tell mommy she wasn't feeling comfortable at some mysterious point.

I have read the article on 10 ways for sleep- deprived mother to get better life which include sleep when baby is asleep, accept help, and bottlefeed baby.

Yup, I need those...before I develop postpartum blue.


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