Working mother should bottlefeed their babies as early as possible.

I am done with my one- month confinement period which I fully breastfed baby.

As I am going back to work in less than a month time, I really have to introduce bottle to my little one.

However, after getting comfortable with my soft nipple and the warmth of the body, she certainly refusing to latch on the artificial nipple. She even spitted out my hard earned express milk!!! Even worse, she's crying as loud as she could to protest. Not even that, she tends to cry histerically at night (just to let her daddy knows that I'd bullied her during daytime).

My concerns include whether my expressed milk supply will be adequate for her when I am away to work. And, will the future babysitter be able to bottlefeed her? I am also worried if she manages to bottlefeed her, how is she going to sleep without latching on nipples until she falls asleep as it usually happen while she is breastfed.

Until the arrival of maid next week, I wouldnt know what will happen.


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