Husband's 30th birthday wishes.

He just turned 30 this Nov 3. On that day, we just had a simple dinner at a restaurant together with the 15-month-old toddler.

There was not much things we could do with the presence of a young kid who plays a lot, and need a lot of rests too.

Surprisingly, he was okay for that. AND, he actually slept as early as the baby did at around 9pm. So, after I cuddled baby to bed, I went to husband who was lying.

Asked him on what kind of wishes he had on his born day? He actually hopes that toddler and I will always in good health. Wow, he loves us so much as if I were him I would wish that I will live long to take care of them. So, I forced him to wish that he would be in pink of health too.

I become a different person after get married to him. It seems like my welfare has no longer be the business of my parents. He shares my happiness, worry and other difficulties. Both of us are living symbiosis to each other although I sound like reaping only benefits of assurance from him almost all the time.

I believe my parents are relieved to "discharge" me as one of their many children as they are living life they have wanted without want to uphold any responsibility including assist me in taking care of toddler while I am working.

There are many times I feel so upset and jealous looking at other grandparents building good rapport with their grandchild unlike mine. Although I have a good babysitter, but it never give me total peace of mind as she is a young woman who keep on looking for trust able man  via social network- which worry me a lot.

I had insomnia last night waiting for her to come back home. On her off days, she usually return by 8pm. But she came back an hour after I called her. It worried me that she would follow any random guy in pursue of true love (via one-night stand). I can't do much but only to pray to God on blessing us.

But I do understand and can't complain much on the selfishness of my parents on rejecting the roles as grandparents.  Raising a child is tough, while it must be killing them to get it done for seven. Some more they start parenting at a very young age with limited incomes.

As it nears Christmas, I should not commit into this bitching act on my parents' parenting as they had done so much on bringing good life to myself. Their example of having many children have shown that there's not much quality given to each and every members of the family.

Another younger sister so called developed interest in other religion after studying in Peninsular and met Malays boyfriend. It is the second case after eldest sister chose the path for the sake of  a man. It resents me a lot to know that she is still "confused with the trilogy concept" in Catholic, and claims that being a muslim will assure a ticket to heaven (whereas she has hurt the parents who raise her for more than 20 years)..

But I guess, I should just keep quiet and refrain from debating it with my parents as PARENTING IS DIFFICULT.


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