Lent season is a good time to lose fat
As lent 2015 begins on the day of first day lunar year, it is rightly remind believers not to be glutton and eat less meat.
Coincidentall, I also reached 28. A great reminder on how fast the aging process will take place if I don't take care of my diet.
When I came back from Penang, I forced myself to get into juice~fasting diet. It is either I drink 5~colors of fruits juice or eat them raw.
Watched many Korean movies, the family usually juicing. Judge on theIR skin complexion and smoothness. It is worth practice in my life.
As I'm a beginner for such diet, plus I didn't prepare for it days before,I suffered withdrawal symptom.
I shivered and had light headedness.And drinking a lot of water actually helps to alleviate the suffering.
However, as I was alone in taking care of toddler that few days. I cheated in having few spoons of oat porridge.
Picture shown is cauliflower and lettuce. Surprisingly, I felt full from noon to late evening. The portion can be eaten twice too.
On workout, I did total of 25 mins toning exercises per day. Among them include sit up, lunges and hoola hooping. That activity did exaggerate the feeling of weakness. Again, more fluid helps.
The result is noticable by colleagues when I returned from 10-day leave. Even for three days.
But afterward, I still take more vege and protein, but reduce carb intakes.
Occasionally I will have the crave especially when I see delicious sugary food in front of me...it is so tempting that I dreamed about them. No wonder people on diet always fail with the perils.
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