Married women (or Single mothers) are attractive.

Married woman and mother are still being targeted by men

It is a naive thought that married women are no longer attractive and men will definitely tick off such group from their list.

If there are so many more absurd things being reported in the news, men who find married women attractive is considered as a normal situation.

Perhaps in ANCIENT time, married women will stop looking after themselves as they have kind of "secured" a family. But in today's society, women are belonged to the working groups who live with the society that look (and judge) your appearance. Thus, the idea to keep the best shape of their body and appearance is there.

In short, a married woman and a mother will still belonged to 'hot woman' that can turn on man (just like in reverse, married man still look appealing to single woman".

Speaking of experience, I did encounter several occasions of single men asking me out despite I kept on showing off my wedding band and telling everyone that I am a proud mother of a beautiful daughter.

It becomes worse, when the other party, who happened to be a mutual colleagues found out that husband would be working far from home most of the times.

I talked to husband about it, and apparently he gave few reasons to the man's behaviors.

1. Married women are more mature, able to take care of the man and provide homely home.

2. Married women are better in sex....or the men feel it is a victory to be able to 'take' someone's wife thus makes the sex better.

3. Single man wants a woman in his life without having want to commit any responsibility. "The man will not have to feel burden/ pressure of married woman will pop out the question of 'when are we going to get married'.


The best way to counter such "threat" from the not-your-husband man. Cut all possible ties  with them include unfriend them at social media.

Of course, from the beginning, protect your privacy such as house address and other necessary details that will become their weapons.


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