That friend with different wavelength

Friendship broken

Covid-19 pandemic has been severely affecting Malaysia for more than a year since March 2020.

With the rolling out of vaccines against the virus, the situation does not turn better but the opposite.

The slow vaccination process and people are being sceptical about it gave enough time for Covid-19 to mutate into a more aggressive virus to wipe out the world. 

As Malaysia daily cases hit a record high of more than 8,000 people infected by the virus, many have taken their frustration on social media especially when the leader announced total lockdown at the eleventh hour. 

Since not many people read here, I feel less guilty channeling my emotion through this blog.

After reading those negative thoughts poured at Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts, it evoked my emotions over a same person's response over similar question. 

Since March last year until recently, he would ask whether I visited my parents during Mother's, Father's, Easter, Winter Solstice, harvest festival, Christmas and Chinese New Year. 

When I replied "No" for every occasion I mentioned, he would still give me the same tone and response. 

"Oh why?," tried to make it sound like I was not filial daughter to my parents. 

My parents and I were not vaccinated during those time. How could I dare to expose them with virus? 


I watched Investing with Rose Han video on YouTube today. It was quite a personal sharing about gender bias. 

She mentioned about the existence of subtle microagression, mensplanation and menterruption. 

I never realise about such issues because I am mostly surrounded by people who treat me based on my performance and personality. 

After 1.5 years of Covid-19 pandemic, I somehow suspect that friend is invalidating my point of being safe by distancing myself from family members due to #mensplanation. 

Otherwise, what is the purpose of asking the same questions when all other conditions ie Covid and non-vaccinated still unchanged? Most probably, he is expecting me to be like him-endanger the family members over festivities. 

Should I confront? Or just unfriend? 

To convince people about one thing requires one to be good in nagging, but it is not necessarily enough to achieve the desired resits. 

With so many things on my plate-parents' allowance, kiddo's online classes (and tuition), pets' medical and food, sculpting my body and fitness, music lesson, job security etc, changing people's mindset is probably the last thing I want to do. 

Somehow, the easiest way is to unfriend or keep distance from the person. I guess that's why I don't have much friends. It is so tiresome to spend extra energy and time to build that relationship, especially with toxic people. 

Having to say that, I do realise that I tend to set boundaries on closeness of relationship with another human beings. 

If possible, I do not want to spend too much time with the other persons or it would be too intimate. 

I once experienced bad digestion and insomnia after a "just friend" told me too much information about her personal life. 

I yawn and yearn for my bed during a nightout with friends. Kept on having the thought of when would the girls stop talking. 

Loneliness is not for me, yet? 

Maybe. As I have multiple responsibilities and constant virtual contacts with my big family members, loneliness is not in my dictionary yet. 

Being close with my own people is the most comfortable relationship, cos I don't need to fake anything or be polite all the time. 

The risk of being betrayed is unlikely and higher chances that your family members would always side you above anything. 

I wish that the good relationship will continue even if I have grown old. I look forward to build good rapport with the young generations, too. 

Trust issue? True friend might stab your back behind Instagram. 

Probably. I have seen a so-called a group of good girlfriends supporting each other in the social media. 

However, when I talked to them separately, each other was spilling the other one's dirty secrets. 

That might happen or not happen to me, but why bother or desperate to find one? 


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