"Breaking Free: Prioritising My Dreams Amid Family Obligations"

I have constantly been setting aside some money for personal leisure things such as diving computer, good camera, cosmetic dental procedures and travelling somewhere else.

Despite my diligence in doing so, which I have been refraining myself from buying other good stuff like posh car or apple products, but most of the time, my savings would be kind of robbed off by my family members. 

For example, it took me about a year to slowly saving for a good diving computer, when I was about to achieve the goal, my mother had asked me to sponsor my youngest brother's driving license which was at the similar cost of my desired diving computer. 

My retired father has developed a hobby/post-retirement activity that require him to spend fortune.  After retirement, he had suffered minor depression for the sudden "out-of-job" syndrome. 

He used to get up as early as 4am to work and came back home around 11pm, the cycle went on until he reached the retirement age. When that moment came, he was really hit by the reality that all he was left to do was stay at home while everyone else is busy with their lives. 

He decided to buy a rubber estate land, which is located about two hours one-way drive from home. Despite it is so clear that such activity is draining his saving, but he insists to continue such a lifestyle. His activities come with a great cost in terms of maintaining his car, the fuel, additional machinery, and now he wants to build a cottage in the middle of forest!!

I personally took out thousands' ringgit of my hard-earned savings for his hobby. Instead of seeing any return of investments, I only see red flag of more money being directly "flushed" into toilet. 

If you ask why we are not voicing out our concerns? We actually did...but whenever we raised about it, the man would sulk and turned grumpy. 

I decided to be selfish

It is time to put a full stop on being treated as the "ATM" for them. I am fully aware of the "you shall repay your parents for raising you up to what you are today". 

I am totally okay if it were for important and value for money. But, if I keep doing it, when would I be able to enjoy my own money? It feels so heartache to see someone treated my money like they fall from the sky. 

So, I spent my money for 5-day Korea trip and the feeling was so satisfying..


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