Integrity Is Judged With The Amount Of Money?

Recently I had a healthy debate with husband on a court case where a 53-year-old teacher corrupted RM7, 050 from poor pupils trust fund. He commited the case back in 2008 when he was the senior assistant students affairs at SK Pekan Tuaran. The case had angered many as he as a teacher, expected to bring wellness for children stole money from poor people. Myself had thought that if he allocate those money for them, those underprivilledged pupils may have a one or two days of proper nutritious meal, but he was being selfish to use those money to overfeed himself(regardless in whatever way). My husband told me the teacher (othman) should be forgiven as he only took a small amount of money comparing to those politicians who "sapu" Malaysians' money like nobody's business. "Perhaps he had personal problem that forced him to take the money. Some more he's just the minority case (in education field),". It is quite true that many must had involved in corruption eventhough it involves only 10 cent. But truely, violation of integrity can also cost in 10 cent. If that small amount had made someone commited in wrongdoing, that's it. One can barely say that he/she had not doing anything bad during the judgment day-will the 10 cent thing jeopardise the chances for you to enter heaven? P/s: And also, a source told me that it is a COMMON cases in Tuaran district where the RELIABLE teachers thought those poor pupils trust funds belong to them.


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