Teachers who complain of not having long enough holiday reflects their personality.
My reaction to the complaint is, "Two months of holiday is not long enough for you?" The teacher then responded that such length of period would not be sufficient to compensate on what she experienced at school. She described the work at school was too pack that she had had not well-rested/enjoyed the two months break. I have no intention to humilate her or other teachers. But, one shall learn to be appreciative of off days, more so on leave approved by organisation he or she is working with, Not everyone including Prime Minister has the privileged to enjoy an interrupted time-off. Datuk Seri Mohd Najib was recalled to oversee the flood situation while on holiday. I personally would not blame him over his absence during the woes, its Natural Disaster, as he eventually back to the country and travel everyday despite that he might experience jet lag. It is tough for him or anyone on highly paid but no personal lives. So, stop complaining. Just enjoy everyday of give...