Journey as a mother to a three-month old baby

I have resumed back to work a month ago. To leave my baby at home to be taken care by my cousin was quite difficult.  Some more, during that time, the two-month old baby was reluctant to have milk from bottle...

But as days passed by, my confidence grows that her babysitter will take good care of her, and baby will behave well by drinking milk and sleep tightly. I am quite a fortunate mom as she doesn't cry inconsolably like others, and also she is easily to be put to bed-by offering my breast to latch. I am also well rested afterwork as most of the time she stays asleep throughout the night.

Meanwhile, I am still pumping milk twice during my working hours. However, milk supply no longer  able to meet baby's demands. She drinks 4oz per feeding and about five times during daytime, whereas I managed to yield only 3 to 4 oz per squeezing session. We resort to infant formula milk, Enfalac, which cost us about RM100 per 800gramme.

Vaccination on second and third month had caused a mild grade fever to baby. As prophylaxis, i gave her anti-pyretic syrup as told by the nurse. I also patched a cool fever for children on her tiny forehead. she didn't like it.

As of today, baby has developed skills on removing her mitten whenever she has the chance, sucking her fingers, lifting her head, attempting to roll on her chest, kicking hard, watching tv...among others.

For my romance relationship, we still love each other. Husband is now sleeping with us on the same bed, comfortably. He wants to be part of the nurturing the young despite he is busy juggling between work and masters degree.


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