The "having an affair" offer is still on.

The man, or a friend, is still offering and hoping that I would say yes to have an affair with him whenever husband is not around.

Seriously, that is super gross. And, yes, I have stopped contacting him right now.

He, or anyone wants to steal my heart should know few facts before they plan to do so:

1/You have to earn more money than I do. It is not that I am materialitic, I don't even get allowance or trying to swipe my husband's credit card, but it turns me off when i have to pay bill for a parasite. It will make me wonder whether you want to be with me for the money i have. Not interrested to be anyone's sugar mommy.

2/ You better have a better looking than husband's. I am having a korean look alike husband, why should I cheat on him for someone as ugly as a monkey.

3/ No smoking guy- i hate smokers.

4/Smarter than me! I don't want to be with a child trapped in an adult body.

5/My husband has accepted my family-despite with all the weird stories behind it. It takes more than sex, kisses, money...can a man handle my family as husband does?

6/ A motivator, a financial advisor, my husband...

Don't feel like point. 


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