11-month old baby was struck by Roseola virus.

Baby fell sick about two weeks ago but resolved few days later, she was not that severe but the chesty cough persisted till she had another round of high fever of 39 degree celcius this week.

It was frightening as she was hardly responsive to antipyretic, cold patch on foreheads and tepid spinge that I was afraid she would have a fit. 

The situation went on for five days that I had to take three days emergency leave to take care of her. babysitter got panic also whe she took care of her alone at home.

A lot of thought went into my mind on what's wrong? Could it be dengue? Or other more severe diseases such as Thalassaemia, cancers, and others? 

I prayed hardly on her third night to St Jude to lower her temperature and shed light on what's going on. Surprisingly, it helped. She was okay the next morning, her head felt warm and was more cheerful.
Not long after that, before night bedtime, few spotty rash appeared around jawline and behind ears.

Whole body was full with rashes but she didn't display any symptoms of uncomfortable with those. That's the exact description of Roseola virus- I came up with the diagnosis instead of my doctor husband.

When I told him about it, he had no idea and checked medical books and articles to confirm it. 

As both of us would not be at home the following day for works, we decided to send her to emergency department at a government hospital that she was really doing fine. 

It turned out the doctor was not familiar with roseola too. He said, "oh yeah, it's just viral infection and baby is doing fine as she looks active,". 

The rash completely cleared off on the sixth day of sick.

I am relieved that it's over before baby celebrating her first birthday on July 31. Thanks God for giving me strength to undergo the hardship.


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