Condemning Teacher's Day

Im not really into wishing all teachers "happy teacher's day" as most did not earn my respect. Yeah, they did teach me but not all of them do so out of sincerity.

Most of the time, they seem to hope for something in return. For example, a compliment..although I don't feel like doing so.

 And those teachers, especially in government sector, were always on medical leave, attending courses as well as simply absent for nothing. They gave excuses that the education ministry requires them to do so.

Some more,  just because they are teachers, they think they know everything, or more precisely know-it-all attitude. With that, they rather misled us rather than admitt that they didnt know it. Worse, they surpressed us from expressing what students may know.

 And that kind of attitude ia brought to hospital when they get treatment as well. Unless they teach medical students, then they shouldn't tell what qualified doctors or nurses on how to teach them. 

Recently, talked to an acquantaince who badmouthed and critised her ill-behaved student for getting into teenager fight. Instead of putting efforts to make things better, this teacher chose to run away from that particular student. They even put the blame on "their parents are also like that,".

 But again, they are many cases of which jobless graduates chose teaching profession for the sake of just having any job. I presumed that causes the teaching quality drop as well.

 Again, this is just a personal view and is not generalised to whole teachers in the world.


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