Still Having Morning Sickness

I just passed through the first trimester, and I thought I would have the chance to live like normal human being. But it is not, I finally had my first vomitting in office and it occured in front of my boss who was in the middle of briefing me about my work. Earlier, I had milk and corn flakes. I was fine until my boss called me to stand next to him. I could feel the throwing up wave, Ive told him I really had to leave for bathroom but he kept on talking. I couldn't control it. I was cupping the vomitus with my hand. I continued doing so in the toilet, it also stained my hair as everything happened so fast, spilled it on the floor as well. I felt so bad that the whole room was smelly. Recalling back what had induced the vomitting...I guess it was the carbonated drink I had for the dinner and mixed with milk during breakfast that caused all the mess. I should have avoid it. Everytime after I vomit, I would definitely depressed and refuse to eat anything later-my husband who is working 6 days a week would definitely worried and starting to question why I was so mentally weak. I noticed most of the "uneasiness" was caused by food interaction/ reaction rather than the progesterone hormon alone. Now, I ensure myself to only consume something-be it pleasant or otherwise- in little amount to prevent side effects. No gas, no too much of diary products, no oily food, no too-dry food, and etc. Steam and boil food could be delicious. Soy bean drink is high in protein and calcium-it is more tolerable though. I am so much jealous over husband's colleague who ate more than her husband. I miss eating food like godzilla. In fact, I am aware that my oversized baby is taking more of my nutrients and may jeopardise my overall health in future. Early indicator was I lost 3kg when im diagnosed as three month pregnant. Im losing some hair, Im getting really tired and having backpain-which I suspect calcium loss to Bree. I can't risk my health as Bree and husband still need me in living future life. Therefore I pray that everything will go well.


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