Oppression that leads to severe depression to its citizen


It was a random night at an international airport that I stumbled upon a young man who spontaneously confided in about how his country has destroyed his life. 

It piqued my interest on why would someone as young as him would say that he shouldn't be born into the world at all. 

He also said despite that he is at the age of getting married, but such a path is equivalent to commit suicide especially when he is having any children.  The man justified that due to high cost of living, having a family is equal to starve them to death. 

I thought that it was quite a pessimistic view for someone who is in his few weeks holiday in few countries... Albeit he was solo travelling. 

"Yes, I sounded old despite my age. This is the result of 'homicide'. I could only endure the brunt of getting beaten by my own father since young.

"If I were born in other country, the law might punish my father for the sins he done. 

"But this country has set a" guideline" that children or family members of someone with criminal record would not be allowed to enter University nor work in the government sector.

"I chose to keep quiet, or my whole life will be fucked up," said the tall and fair-skinned man in his 20s.

He chose to leave the country and work elsewhere two years ago and said that the decision might not the best, but certainly not a wrong one.

The only child could not bear to live physically for another minute in his homeland but the pain "indirectly inflicted" by the government is still lingering in his soul.

Most often, we think freedom as something to be taken granted for as we are born without restriction. 

It is regrettable to see how a young man's life can be severely ruined emotionally and probably changed the good thing of a human being to something else.

Sincerely hoping that he could find peace and hope again in his future endeavour. 


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