Anger management-my own version

Anger management- my original version

Since I will get anger, therefore, for this post, I would do it my way without doing any referencing to other article.

It is without doubt that as we grow up and enter working life, we will exactly understand what "SORROW" is spelled like. It happens because they are people who are so selfish that make my life miserable and makes me obliged to go confession with long list to complete.

I wish I could repent not to get irritated. But, somehow, my adrenaline rush and imbalance of my gender hormone make me want to murder anyone. (See..obviously, I am not repent yet)

What I do to control my anger?

a) Listen to my mp3 with loud music, pretend that nobody is around, close my eyes and imagine the choreography of the music

b) Deviate my anger to another activity. E.g. Pissed off with the idiot driver who does not know how to use roundabout and nearly hit my car, which to the extent that I wish that fella will go back to his village with their almighty high way and being a barbarian driver.

So, instead of pissing off of the thing, I will go for breakfast with my colleagues. And talk about other things

c) Remind myself that they are many undone work..."c'mon I have lots of undone work, what am I doing now, wasting time for useless feeling?"

d) Sleep. Because we are angry at the people in reality, why dont we go to fantasy? If you are a good dreamer, everything in dream is really peaceful, romantic and without worry. I always wonder, is dream actually a heaven?

e) To pray...I am not saying that I am that holy. But, it is seem the last resort, when anger and sorrow become so unbearable. Prayer will be powerful. It takes away the pain, the tears will roll down, it feels like big daddy by your side, everything is ok.

f) Cursing that asshole in twitter, facebook, or blog? such as, Devil!!!! You are still alive?Save your cunning smile...But honestly, I don't find it is helpful in managing anger. But, one devil thing is sure, it gives me the feeling that I am able to let the whole world to know that devil is devilish. Evil laugh....hahhahaha

g) Laugh at the person who irritate you? Ok, maybe give him/her a poker face. This one, I really did many times, and I find it is kinda of funny. It retains my sense of humor over a serious matter. Oh, yeah. They say, intelligent people is like that. Putting sense of humor over deadly matter.

h) Remind myself whats so good about keeping the anger inside me? After all, negative feeling is an agent which accelerate aging process.

i) Jogging. Why? When it comes to exercise and angry at people, which one is tougher? Tougher thing will make us to focus on it rather than the other one. So, do helps to maintain body and manage anger.

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