The results of commitment phobia by guys.

It was a blessed day that I was able to wake up late on my off day.

As usual, I will switch on TV and watch channel 711. It was already 11am and the star world channel was showcasing "accidentally on purpose"

The main actress, Billy was pregnant our of wedlock with Jack as per seen at the image above.  In this time series, her sister- Abby who has married for 5 years wanted to conceive with her commitment phobia husband, Alex.

Alex has rejected the request again and again for lame excuses. Thus, Abby was pissed and hung out with Jack's bestfriend, Davis at a bar. They proceeded to Davis's house and Abby asked him whether he would willing to impregnated her.
 I was thinking about ethical issue on that. A female ready to have a baby, with stability of financial and life, but dejected by husband's refusal in having kids. It is like what the heck with these bunches of men? "why am I marrying a guy with no intention to expand the family, eventhough I am already ready to handle everything?"
Cant the women just have random sex with any clean from AIDS guys and have the baby? After all the womb belongs to the women? Should the men shut up with the unlawful sex then? Yeah, perhaps IVF is more morally right when we touch about the matter.

Sometime dealing with men who are from Venus can be devastating for some women. They are so alien...

I would not be surprised the Australian Finance Minister, who is a Sabah-born woman ended up having a female as her understanding life-partner.



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