Hantu Gangster

I am always giving support to movie producer who is trying to improve their product. Yes, Namewee has done it much better than last time.

Well done for trying to instill the 1 Malaysia concept in the movie, it was screened timely in conjunction to coming Independent Day in Aug 31.

This time, more celebrities including Amber Chia, Jalaluddin Hassan, and few others were included in the movie. It shows the Malaysian artists are aspire to build undivided harmony among three major races in Malaysia. Thumbs up!!! (But, where is Adibah Noor?)

As funny as Namewee has alway been, this time the lame jokes are lessened. The script required the actors to act according to reality...and yes, some reality are funny on its own. E.g The indian police stopped and chatted casually with another indian guy while chasing Namewee.

The sad factor, as it has always disturbed my emotion, is the relationship between father-daughter, and also Namewee and his "son". When the female teacher was missing her late father, and also when Namewee shouted out loud that he loved his only son...

In other hand, I was quite surprised  with Namewee's messy and blonde hair. Perhaps, it is the role's requirement.  maybe for next movie, he could shave the beard and be more presentable?

And....what's with the Kuih Koci? I don't get it...

Overall...I LIKE IT.


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