I am glad Ramadhan month is over.

Do not get me wrong before finishing up reading this post. Although I am not obliged to fast for the whole day (As I am not a muslim), I do enjoy breaking fast with my colleagues who are observing the practice. Really appreciate the feasting moment...

However, instead of applying what the religion has taught them to do good during this holy month, I had came across with few people who smear the good thing about the practice.

For instances:

a) A facebook friend posted in a group wall stating:
  "Hanya yang berpuasa akan menikmati keindahan Hari Raya," (Only those who fast will enjoy the Aidilfitri). Some of you may think she was preaching about the religion, but she has to know that the group consists of multiracial members. Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and other festivities are meant to create harmony and joy among community. Therefore, what with the judgment in public column which will make others think that muslims are fanatic and full of hatred?

b) Not long after a) case"
-A muslim colleague who had been having long menstrual period complained to me that other muslim colleague was bitching and scolding her for kept on chewing food in office since day 1 of fasting. She said she was really upset about it and etc. I could not do anything but just save the thought that if fasting is going to affect people relationship, I wonder will the sin act gets more merit than "pahala"?

c)About few days after b) case,
-Another muslim colleague drove me out for break fast. During this month, the road was jammed by 5pm. That time, we had two hour plus before they were allowed to buka puasa. As she was driving through the crawling traffic, she yelled in the car saying that Indias ad Chineses should not come out from the offices at that time, as they don't fast for the whole day. As usual, I just kept quiet reasoning others might had to pick up their schoolchildren and etc.  Hungry people are Angry people.

d)The work productivity went down drastically. Some did not come or late to clock in office, and leave as early as possible. Not putting attention on the quality of job...and etc. Yes, it is not my business until I was told to replace one's work because they applied "MC".

e)  As I possesed the look of a malay, I always get the "killing" stares by few Malay cashiers at fast food restaurant for having my meal publicly at their place at daytime. But, I am not a Muslim and I am hungry. Judging without getting to know my identity is really terrible.


That's why I am glad that it is finally over.

PS: Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to Malaysians.


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