English dailies in Sabah.

The Borneo Post in broadsheet size, costs RM1.20 each is vailable at the vendors as early as 6am. For me the English is fairly good, it does cover community news as much as general issues.

I've read repeated exclusive stories written by the senior reporters- as their names have been there for quite centuries, literally.

Daily express is another bold newspaper as it dares to report on controversial issues such as the Kinabatangan river got polluted due to surrounding oil palm mill;the healthcare service in town which  sometimes it suggests the patients to come general hospital if only they are dying;

I also solute the way the leadership being non-partisan in reporting opposition and rulling parties...I mean no twisted fact.

I heard Daily Express has been doing well on crime stories as well...
New Sabah Times, which is in tabloid, has a lot of Bernama stories. It saves someone's pocket to subscribe the online national agency news.

Despite they use most of the Bernama stories' their local reporters are doing quite well. For example, today's issue on "Hospital giving poor treatment, care for elderly woman" is indeed a splendid story.

The national paper, New Straits Times "Sabah" edition is sold at RM1.80. It is a learning medium to learn good English-They use tight and precise words in composing stories. However, it has only one page of story from Sabah or Sarawak, there's abundance of peninsular stories especially Prime minister and his people.

The Star, the people's paper, or the noon's paper (as it arrives here from peninsular at about 12pm), has human-interest approach stories from peninsular.


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