Bree caused pain at my lower left abdomen while I was shopping

It happened few minutes after  husband and I had argument on me wanting to have bilateral tubes ligation- a permanent closure to my baby manufacturing factory after I deliver this first and ONLY baby.

I wanted to have the ligation because I was suffering with the pregnancy symptoms- I don't like any of it at all! And, as I was suffering from fever, cough and flu now but cant take any drug that particularly could sedate me during bedtime, it was totally a premature 21.12.12 to me.

Husband, in other way, said the reason I cant have the closure because those symptoms are common and it happens to everyone (he didn't realise that men dont have to suffer it, but only enjoy the product of their sperm). He stressed that in this world there's no guy that want only one child when they can have more. Lastly, he asked me to interview only-child how they feel on being raise alone without sibling- they surely be lonely.

Apparently, I was so pissed with his points. Who care about their feelings when pregnancy is crippling me in many ways? It irritated me more when husband said "You just have to enjoy your current pregnancy".....I would like to stress again, it really sucks!!!!

The conversation took place in a car while we were on the way to shopping mall.

Bree seemed to be very angry with me that it kept on hurting my lower left belly that I thought I would have miscarriage, husband had to bring me to car for rest...and said "That's because you said something Bree wouldn't want to hear".

P/s: How come the baby always siding the father when Im the one who suffered from all the shit pregnancy symptoms?


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